Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lutheran Thought for the Day

I was pondering ways that I could be of greater benefit to my readers outside of sharing my views on current events and then I thought "hey, I can let them journey with me through my devotions." Currently, I am working my way through the new Concordia: Reader's Edition of the BOC. It is a great buy, by the way, particularly for its reading schedule. Anyhow, devotional tidbit for the day

But the greatest abuse occurs in Spiritual matters. These do with the conscience, when false preachers rise up and offer their lying vanities as God's Word... Here, then, let us learn and take to heart the great importance of this commandment. Then, with all diligence, we may guard against and dread every misuse of the Holy name as the greatest sin that can be committed outwardly. For to lie and to deceive is in itself a great sin. But such as sin gets even worse when we try to justify our lie and seek to confirm it by calling on God's name and using his name as a cloak for shame, so that from a single lie a double lie results-no, many lies.
- Luther's LC 2nd Commandment 54&55

A fair warning to all of us, be careful in how you speak. Do not confuse the lies of this world with the word of God. Speak only the truth and seek the Lord's will above all things.

Lord, may the words and actions of your servant be of glory to you alone.

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